For information on Firsts contact:
Colin Cox : (818) 437-8223 * *. IG @ mirrortonature
The 'Hyphenated' History of America
Firsts is a seven-season dramatic series
[eight episodes per] that shares the major accomplishments of ‘hyphenated’- Americans. Here lie ‘colorful’ stories of courage, tenacity, pride, and patriotism; testimonies as vital to the American landscape as any tribute to Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, or Roosevelt.
Soul of a Nation African American
Latinos Shaping a Nation Latinx
Gam Saan Asian Americans
Wounded Body & Soul Native Americans
Nothing Queer About It LGBTQ
Herstory Women
In It Together Today’s Issues
Soul of a Nation - African American,
HerStory - American Women
Gam Saan - Asian American
Shaping a Nation - Latinx
Nothing Queer About It - LGBTQ
Wounded Body & Soul - Native American
Each play contains six 'playlets' outlining the story and achievements of an 'unknown' American hero and how their lives affect us today.