For information with regards to
A Woman's Courage
Genevieve Anderson : (323) 610-5665
Colin Cox : (818) 437-8223
IG @ mirrortonature
A Woman's Courage
A Woman's Courage: the True Story of Larcena Penington
During the Hell storm that erupts amongst the three cultures forming the emerging state of Arizona; the former Mexican empire, the Apache territories, and the ‘manifest destiny’ European invasion, a pioneer woman - whilst ward to a young Mexican girl - is kidnapped by Apache warriors, stabbed sixteen times, and left for dead in the snow-covered, Santa Rita Mountains.
This is the story of the grit it took for that pioneer woman, Larcena Pennington, to drag her bloodied, skin-torn body out of the Santa Ritas, and how the Mexican girl, aided by a young Apache woman, ultimately saved her life